On Thursday, Zendaya, who is forever known to take a great selfie, shared a few new sunkissed selfies on Instagram. Many of Zendaya's most popular selfies have always included her glowing under the natural sunlight as a backdrop, while also showcasing her blemish-free smooth skin all a result of her very comprehensive and vigorous skincare routine which consists of the use of facial masks as she has shown on her social media many times.
In the series of shots, Zendaya is seen wearing a white canvas blend poplin blouse, but the most noticeable items are the matching gold rose earrings, and matching gold necklace which is all from jewelry brand
Piaget. The gold two-piece jewelry set from the Piaget Rose Collection.
1. Piaget Rose Diamond Earrings available
2. Piaget Rose Diamond Pendant available
Photo Credit: @zendaya on Instagram